Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mettur Dam

 Recently I had been to Mettur Dam,which at one-time had good approach and walkable on Dam.Now it has got no proper approach and no guidance to reach 

Now the authorities wanted to mimicry to KRS Dam They made one park in downstream and charging entrance fee I t is very normal park  First they improve good atmosphere This is my request 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

     2nd DAY AT DUBAI

 The second day started as usual We had no particular program and we want roam around the city to get the pulse of city. Dubai from the beginning a city of gold and Indians used to purchase gold who ever Indian goes .If people who have not that intention were lured to bring gold as courier for some cash benefit. We decided to have look of golden street known as Gold Souk  We took a taxi to reach  that place. It was realy  sparking There are about 300 to 400 shops and to aviod direct sun heat entire street was  covered with roof and more sitting places The present rate was 30000 rupees less than INDIAN rate In one shop the world biggest ring is displayed This was place of big tourist attraction. After spending about 2 hours on tour in this place  we had a good Indian meals and returned to place of stay

3rd day  at Dubai

After breakfast we had a thinking of going to some where and we suddenly thought og going to ABU DHABI  5 countries formed one union of states UAE, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES and one visa is sufficient to go all these places. Out of  5 Abu Dhabi is the biggest  The distance between Dubai and Abu Dhabi is 150 KM and taxis are fly at 120 KM speed.  

We started at 11 AM  and we arrived at about 12 noon at Akshar Dham  SWAMI NARAYAN TEMPLE This temple was inaurated by PM  Narendra Modi in March  Very good friendly atmosphere Initially registration process of people visiting temple required which being done by temple authorities  Hastle free

On entrance the drinking water  freely available This water fecility  available in all places  For handi capped person lift fecility along with wheel chair available and electric vehicles available . The temple construction marvellous and deities are decorated with gold The temple cost was around 700 crores .Canteen fecilities as well as toilets are available.

  Then we went to the biggest Mosque SHEIKH ZAYED GRAND MOSQUE ND WENT AROUN PALACES which taxi driver intimated 26 nos and went to dates market and by 7 PM we returned to Dubai.

 On 4 th day the day of return  ,the flight was night 12AM  we while away time and by evening we left for  Air port There very good arrangement for waiting lounge which well furnished and free of cost   

At first I was reluctant to go and half mind I gone It was  very good experience


 This was my first outing in the Arab countries region. I had some notion about some restriction in Arab countries might have been occurred in early times ,being  older genertion  that might have been possible happened ,Now being 21 st century the restriction might have been outdated. My first impression was as if I am in part of India  The natural language is Hindi is spoken every where. and dress code is our way of dressing somebody ultra modern.  several countries food stall available mainly Indian hotels.  mainly south Indian one.   We are having our own office branch here nd we took hotel accommadation in city seasons which was near our office and my son always stay here while coming here. After reaching hotel we had our meal in nearby south indian hotel  After having  normal afternoon rest in the evening we went Dubai Mall

 The mall is very big having 3to 4 floors Here in this mall tere is BHUJ KHALIFA T  the tallest building  when onetime they greeted us on one independance day of ours decorated with TRICOLOR There is musical fountain once in every half an hour for a duration of 5 minutes . There is a fecility of wheel chair on free of cost for elder persons 

Friday, August 30, 2024


  In recent times  I had been to Dubai on an holiday trips. The journey time from New Delhi to Dubai is 3 hours and the time difference is 1hour 40 minutes back.

Boarded at NewDelhi ai 8 .40 AM and reached Dubai at 10 50 AM Dubai time  .After getting down from flight to collect baggage ,.The Dubai air port is very big and we have travel around 2 to 3 Km So there is metro train fecility Every 5 minutes metro train arrives for arrival and departure passengers By metro reached the arrival lounge and after secrurity and immigration clearence went baggage bay. There is good arrange met the bags which are on the belt has been collected and kept in the adjustant floor so that passengers can find out 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

                   Demonstration in flights

 Recently a few days before i had an opportunity to travel in Air India flights from Dubai to NE WDELHI .It is customery to perform secrurity practice   by flight staffs. A new plane aquired by Air India It has many features All seats were provided with TV and wall TVs are provided in different places One has to feel personally instead of describing

 The secrurity demonstration commenced not by physical but on TV BUT BY  Indian dance style in all Indian  method Bharathanatyam, Kutchi pidi, Punjabi etc  etc It was pleasing In TV you can view movies also in other times A GREAT REVILUTIONS STARTED IN MINOR WAY

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


My heartiest 78 th INDEPNDANCE GREETING to all of you May this year further prospers  further to the top of world

Saturday, July 13, 2024

 Today I had been in the Bangalore Airport. I found some interesting aspect , and it has been  before our eyes but refused to accept . This about wheel chair for the the disabled and older generation . There were sufficient Wheelchairs in the air port But there are waiting list You have wait at least  half an hour to avail wheel chair According to boarding hours it has been  made available They will note our boarding time and the assistance is coming .But very good arrangement that they need not toil in the queue even security.  The our generation is became half disable due to            in  sufficient manual work especially the aged above 60 May be due to mechanical and electrical equipment Better we try to change including myself