Sunday, July 7, 2024

Auto driver in Salem

 Today I came across one Auto driver in Salem On a visit to Salem I stayed in one hotel.As my native is Salem usually When I am Salem used hire one auto to to visit temples of Salem by auto because of road congestion  it will be easy to travel by auto instead of car. On the way we had some conversations which lead to some disclosure.He started his life in one family as a domestic cook He was sincere and grow with family.After some years the affectionate family helped him for purchase of auto and his life is improving and he is grateful to that famile temple also y.That family started hotel business and the auto driver is assisting them for transport.He informed that he is performing Puja seva in one temple also occasionally. One thing in Salem , auto are not metered,I they will charge min 100 Rs on entering.Lucarative enterprises 

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