Thursday, January 23, 2025

                                          INDIAN POST  OFFICE

    MY OBSVERVATION   In recent time I had occasion to  pin code I went sector 72  Post office  in Gurgaon One speed post for me to come  Even after 6 days it has not reached me On enquiry from sender he wrongly written instead of sector 72 written as sector 92 . The post office located in a dingy house  The people there even in that condition  replied in  the polite way whatever we asked , They told it has been sent to sector 92 and it is lying there after verifying computer record    I went sector 92   there also the area post office situated in sector 94 in a village in very pathetic building I got the speed post  The approach path very pathetic there  Still people working calmly   



     Today is the last day at BALI   WE HAD   taken complete rest in the hotel . ON 4-1-2025 We departed  from Bali by Air India at 7-30 AM Indo time and reached New Delhi By 3-30 PM IST.  we had snacks and lunch and evening snacks at the flight   7 hours journey   Immigration and customs went on smoothly

                                       MY OBSERVATION

 My observation after visiting BALI  my mind started comparison with that place to Our country 

                     .  INDONESIA

 THEY MASTERED THE ART OF  PRESERVING ANCIENT MANUMENTS at the same time they mastered knack of  minting money .They are earning crores and crores of money from the tourists and tourists are flogging and lively hood of people are prospering

                                            Our India    

 We are having still beautiful  ancient as well as  historic as well as  godly manuments  here For example KURUCHETRA   THE PLACE  was destroyed beyond recognition  There was a very big BRAHMA KUND JUST LIKE SEA

It was made half by  that place became just like commercial and shabby and it pureness was destroyed and same situation created for KURUCHETRA BATTLE FIELD   and  the pond where in the end of life  DURYODHANA DIPPED BEFORE DEATH WAS VANISHED


WHERE SRI KRISHNA ROAMED WITH HIS DISCIPLES WERE REDUCED TO  DUST BIN  Both the places I had visited when it was original  shape . 

But  when I visited Kasi and Ayodhya     it was  pleasing to note       

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

                                NEW ENGISH YEAR 2025   1-1 2025

  Today the was cloudy and occasionally heavy rain that  also intermittant   , Shankar and maithraye gone to some temple   visit There   are plenty of temples  . In Indonesia all are crorepathis They are taking in millions in rupia the Indonesian currency. Tea and coffee  calculate on indian cost   our one rupee is 200 indonesian currency In hotel they mention only after negleting  1000  , we had relaxed day taking sea bath etc

       2- 1- 2025

Today  for Arun visa purpose my son Shankar and Arun depart  back to  India by 

7 AM   After our breakfast we commenced our further our Bali visit  at 9 AM 

-Our destination was LEMPUYANG temple which it took us nearly  4 hours from our stay from hotel. We reached  at about 12  noon , It was located at small hill  and the road was some section ghat road but well laid one Our Taxi stopped at the parking place ,From there the temple authorities mini bus were flying We travelled in that bus for about 10 KM and as I was in wheel chair after other passengers got down I was taken up to temple gate with my family , We were in the temple for about one hour  The temple they considered as one of the holiest The visitors were allowed only  up to  some places . It consists of one big  open space where 10 nos 0f statues  and oe gig place place for visitors to sit  Up stairs consists of more than 75 steps for up and one  for getting down Above steps  open space for and temple which was not allowed for visitors Main thing is we have wore traditional dhoti of native which is being provided by authorities While return also mini bus came  specially for me who was in wheel chair to pick me and brought down to parking place  We left at 3 PM from there after having lunch and return On te way we visited TIRTHA  GANGA WHICH was a palace at that time now ponds are there and returned     to hotel  by 7,30 PM   

Sunday, January 19, 2025

                                         30-12-2024   THIRD DAY AT BALI   contd

     Today the day was hectic  WE started from the hotel after our breakfast  we started exploiting Bali   The first stoppage is  at  BARONG  TANAH A CULTURAL  theater .One dance troupe performed traditional dance The artist were performed well  

We then went UBUD AREA WHERE TRADITIONAL  AREA market area The traffic was much more and very heavy traffic jam we have struggle because streets are maximum  two way  at last we found one Indian hotel where we had  a good meal Afterwards  we had our shopping  on paints. stone sculptures  etc  and went to one place where they called as rice terrace on return we had light tiffin at  Ganesha hotel on the way an we had our dinner at hotel


 Today we were in the hotel itself taking rest The atmosphre was rainy  So my son family had roamed here  an there taking short trip  The hotel celebrated new  English year inside the hotel  There were program  for fireworks in the sea beach  but rain was intermittant-  The New English year   2025 started 


Thursday, January 9, 2025

                     BALI  VISIT   28- 12- 2024  to 4-1-2025

   In the year end I had an opportunity to visit Bali Indonesia along with my family.  This was  7 hours flight journey from New Delhi . Air India flight.  The flight started at 8 PM The weather was heavy rain Even at Gurgaon also at the the time of  journey there heavy downpour and our street was in about 2 feet  of water  and the traffic was moving in snail pace for about 10 KM. We reached  airport  at about 8 PM  Usually it will take 30 minutes . I had  wheel chair . Therefore the entire family can come with me So the other formalities has taken minimum time because  priority basis.  We had some snacks before boarding as Shankar has got Platinum pass ,he and Arun had free dinner at lounge Buffee system .  The flight started at  11.10 PM  late by half an hour. As the it was Air India we were provided with drinks hot and soft as decided by the passenger.  and dinner also and  morning time we were given breakfast also just one hour before arrival at Bali . We reached Bali at 9.20 AM, The difference of time is  2.30 hours + .


  At the Air port we@had  Coffee and  reached our hotel  at about 12 noon The holiday resort .This is one of the sea shore resort Most of  hotels are located near sea beach only . We were    alloted  rooms at about 2 PM and we took rest about 3 Hours  as our night sleep was disturbed. We had our lunch at the hotel itself .

 There nearby many indian hotel and we had our indian type of food in dinner  in the night around 9 PM and we had good night sleep .    

 29 -12 -2024  

Second day at Bali. We were having complimentary Break fast in the hotel every morning After breakfast we hired a Taxi for Going to  GARUDA WISHNU  KENCANA   at Bali and reached there at 12 noon

  GARUDA WISHNU  KENCANA    the place where Garuda holding  Lord Wishnu in lap .   First we witness the street dance program  in the open theatre Here the  artist  are doing live program  Indonesian  folk dance drama The time was half an hour at is has been performed in every hour .After wards we went around  that complex  Very big complex  The folk Dance was performed in   Amphi Theater ..



There is a car parking available  Free bus fecilities by way of  mini bus electric are available to take visitors  up to heritage sites ,but inside you have pay nominal payment to to take round about inside..Inside they hve provided restaurants and street food corners . 

The first to visit is street theater Here Balinese cultrural  troupe performing folk dance drama at every one hour  for about half an hour duration t is entertaining The artist were performance is eye catching one .at Amphi theater

There are 2 Garude  big staues in   side    There is a big groun ihe the middle grass one  people can relax. The main attraction is  a big Staue of Garuda Wishnu   Height  75 Mts  about 246 feet and width is 65 Mts say  213 feet  They say it is world  tallest one statue made of copper .


There is  guided tour inside the statue at every 45 minutes only 8 people at a time  

There are more than 30  floors . As the statue is considered as holi one  the visitors has to cover their feet by plastic which has been provided . only  in 6 floors the visitors are taken not all floors

In floor no 9 the story of Garuda and  snakes birth and their enmity and how Garuda saves his mother from slavery was shown in film then we have taken to different floors and explained to us  the sample of copper plates and it has oxidised to stone colour and explained how floor level construction  etc and enginners. involved. The basic material were lime stone which available in the same site and copper plated. In 23 rd floor daily puja is performed. Visitors not allowed to touch puja materials. Many view points were provided to see out side .      

                                                                     to be continued

Monday, December 30, 2024

 Wishing you all a very happy English New Year 2025 I wish all properties and healthy years ahead.