Wednesday, January 22, 2025

                                NEW ENGISH YEAR 2025   1-1 2025

  Today the was cloudy and occasionally heavy rain that  also intermittant   , Shankar and maithraye gone to some temple   visit There   are plenty of temples  . In Indonesia all are crorepathis They are taking in millions in rupia the Indonesian currency. Tea and coffee  calculate on indian cost   our one rupee is 200 indonesian currency In hotel they mention only after negleting  1000  , we had relaxed day taking sea bath etc

       2- 1- 2025

Today  for Arun visa purpose my son Shankar and Arun depart  back to  India by 

7 AM   After our breakfast we commenced our further our Bali visit  at 9 AM 

-Our destination was LEMPUYANG temple which it took us nearly  4 hours from our stay from hotel. We reached  at about 12  noon , It was located at small hill  and the road was some section ghat road but well laid one Our Taxi stopped at the parking place ,From there the temple authorities mini bus were flying We travelled in that bus for about 10 KM and as I was in wheel chair after other passengers got down I was taken up to temple gate with my family , We were in the temple for about one hour  The temple they considered as one of the holiest The visitors were allowed only  up to  some places . It consists of one big  open space where 10 nos 0f statues  and oe gig place place for visitors to sit  Up stairs consists of more than 75 steps for up and one  for getting down Above steps  open space for and temple which was not allowed for visitors Main thing is we have wore traditional dhoti of native which is being provided by authorities While return also mini bus came  specially for me who was in wheel chair to pick me and brought down to parking place  We left at 3 PM from there after having lunch and return On te way we visited TIRTHA  GANGA WHICH was a palace at that time now ponds are there and returned     to hotel  by 7,30 PM   

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