Sunday, January 25, 2015

Traditional Tit bit

Some of the easy way to drove away some discomfort. 

  Dycentry :-   Take   Vendayam (TAMIL)  and take it along with buttermilk or water.
  Body pain :-   Put your one hand fingers in the back side of another hand fingers middle and by slightly pressing downwards for few minutes

 Skin itching :-  put sea salt in the water while taking bath .good for madras eye

Alergy:- Take molasses

 Press  2cm below your little finger for 3 to 4 minutes daily to avoid blood clotting in the blood channel

Nerve  Pulling  :- Press with your finger below index and middle finger for one minute

Clap your hands for few minutes daily for better eye sight and rotate your eye balls few minutes  for eye wariness.

press your waist daily to avoid cold also along with bottom of fingers

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